Man creates his dream home and upsets neighbors after painting it Pepto-Bismol pink

It’s every homeowner’s fear that they will end up with troublesome neighbors.

But what happens if after you’ve moved in your neighbor changes their house so much it becomes hard to look at?

One man in an Austin, Texas suburb has come under fire for painting his house a bright Pepto-Bismol pink and it’s causing some pain among local residents.

Most U.S. neighborhoods have a Homeowners Association or HOA which helps keep the houses looking consistent and can also help pay for useful community conveniences for residents.

But resident Emilio Rodriguez bought his house in Pflugerville, Texas specifically because it doesn’t have an HOA.

This meant he could fulfill his dream of painting everything pink. A decision that is causing some problems with his neighbors.

When Emilio bought his house, it was beige but now it’s his favorite color and he has plans to paint more parts of his home Pepto-Bismol pink.

His neighbors are upset about the pink house and are concerned that it will bring down property values in the area.

But Emilio, who is wheelchair-bound after a car accident and a number of health issues, says the color of his house makes him happy.

He says the color also helps to maintain the “Keep Austin Weird” vibe.

What do you think about the color of Emilio’s house?

Personally, I think you have to learn to love your neighbor and use this house as an easy fix for your friends, delivery people, etc. to find your house. We once had a neighbor whose house was this color, we loved her, one of the best neighbors we have ever had. You will get used to it.

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