My late mom left $5 Million inheritance to my greedy brother and aunts & I only got an envelope with an address

Families rupturing over a loved one’s possessions is not unusual. It can occasionally get so bad that people destined to inherit might not agree.

A woman related the tale of her mother and the bequest she left behind when she died. The woman began by stating that she was the one who cared for her mother during her cancer battle. The woman added, “Since Mom has always been my best friend, it goes without saying that I will support her through this illness at every turn.”

She was always there for her mother, though, and her avaricious brother and aunts were only present when they needed something, which was usually to have their bills paid.


“One aunt wanted my mom’s “contacts” to help her find a new home as my mom’s health was steadily failing. since my mother ran a real estate company. The woman wrote, “It was unbelievable how daring they were.Her mother sadly passed away. 

The woman remembered that day when her mother’s will was supposed to be read. The room, which looked like it was out of a Hallmark film, was filled with her brother, her aunts, and the attorney for her late mother.

“I was sipping a cup of weak tea from one of the chipped teacups when the lawyer dropped the bomb. Approximately $5 million of Mom’s savings were designated to be divided between my brother and my aunts. I swallowed the tea hard, wondering what on earth was going on. since I received nothing. None at all. Nothing at all.

“I was sipping a cup of weak tea from one of the chipped teacups when the lawyer dropped the bomb. Approximately $5 million of Mom’s savings were designated to be divided between my brother and my aunts. I swallowed the tea hard, wondering what on earth was going on. since I received nothing. Nothing, zero,” the woman wrote.

Her brother and her aunts were trying desperately not to grin at her as tears began streaming down her face and mascara drips marred her skirt.

“‘How could my mother have hurt me in this way?’”I wiped my nose with my hand as I thought. As a typical overthinker, I then started to question if I had given her enough attention in those last few months,” the poor woman couldn’t stop wondering.

Then she saw the attorney walking toward her and giving her an envelope.

The woman found an address scrawled on a sheet of paper when she opened it. She was clueless about what was happening.

At first, she assumed it could be a location to a storage her mom wanted her to empty out. For one, the lawyer said very little. He just reminded the the woman that she was the one her mom loved the most.

The woman discovered her mother had left her a treasure of a house when she arrived at the address. The house she saw before her was so exquisite that it looked like something out of a fairy tale. In the yard were even the woman’s favorite flowers.


“It turns out my mom knew all about how my brother and aunts were the biggest money drains. But she desired for me to have a home where I could raise a family and a future. The woman carried on with her story, “to create new memories in a place that obviously has her spirit.”

A second letter, found on the kitchen table of this new house, told how the mother had left the money to her son and her sister, knowing full well that they would blow it the moment they got their hands on it. However, she also wanted to instill in them the importance of family, a lesson they would probably learn after they had spent all of their inheritance.

But now that I’m in my new kitchen and sipping coffee from the coffee maker I’ve always desired, I understand that my mother’s love was never based on material possessions. I knew that this gift would mean more to me than anything else because it was in this house.

“Hey, Mom? The best is still you.

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